Pixel Pets Basic Package (Digital Only)

Create a brilliantly edited image of yourself and/or loved ones with much larger pets/animals. The finished product will include the completed artwork in PNG format with various HD filters applied. The image file can be used for social media or having custom photos or prints made elsewhere. For the best finish, please be sure to submit photos with the best lighting, angle, size, and resolution. (Multiple images of the same pet are okay if you’re not sure which one to use. We’ll help you decide in your creative consultation!)
Pricing by number of animals in project. There is no charge for additional people (human subjects) in your artwork. For special requests (such as more than 4 pets in a piece of artwork) please contact Aarcrafts directly (aarcrafts@protonmail.com) to share creative input and details.
$35 - One Animal
$55 - Two Animals
$75 - Three Animals
$95 - Four Animals
(No charge for human subjects… just because they appear smaller, are typically less hairy, and are much easier to crop and edit.)